Wednesday, September 1, 2010

bc command for Floating point operations.

Example of bc command:

PASS_RATE=`echo "scale=2;(($PASS_main + $PASS_dp) * 100 ) / ($TOTAL_main + $TOTAL_dp) " | bc -l ` ;

"-l": option is to load math routines and perform the arithmetic operations.

scale: is used to specify the no. of significant digits in the output.

Command line options of bc command.

/usr/bin/bc -h

usage: /usr/bin/bc [options] [file ...]
  -h  --help         print this usage and exit
  -i  --interactive  force interactive mode
  -l  --mathlib      use the predefine math routnes
  -q  --quiet        don't print initial banner
  -s  --standard     non-standard bc constructs are errors
  -w  --warn         warn about non-standard bc constructs
  -v  --version      print version information and exit

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