Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Replace a string in a file and rewrite to the same file.

Perl One liner:

% perl -pi -e 's/HEAD/TAIL/g' file

Using sed command:

% sed 's/PERL/perl/g' txt1 > TMP_FILE

% mv TMP_FILE txt1
Using Perl Script: 

open FH1,"txt1";
open FH1,">txt1";
foreach $l (@arr1){
$l =~ s/this is sarala/this is SARALA/g;
print FH1 "$l";
close FH1;


open FH1,"txt1";
foreach my $l (@arr1) {
$l =~ s/this is sarala/this is SARALA/g;
##print "$l";
print "@arr1";
close FH1;
unlink txt1;
open FH2, ">", "txt1";
print FH2 "@arr1";
close FH2;

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